Winding road leads Fluke Newport co-owner back home to Newport

CIRCUITOUS ROUTE: Geremie Callaghan worked in the music and cosmetics industries while living in New York City before returning to Rhode Island to open seafood restaurant Fluke in Newport with her husband, Jeff. / PBN FILE PHOTO/DAVE HANSEN
CIRCUITOUS ROUTE: Geremie Callaghan worked in the music and cosmetics industries while living in New York City before returning to Rhode Island to open seafood restaurant Fluke in Newport with her husband, Jeff. / PBN FILE PHOTO/DAVE HANSEN

PBN BUSINESS WOMEN AWARDS 2020 ACHIEVEMENT HONOREE: Geremie Callaghan | Fluke Newport GEREMIE CALLAGHAN and her husband, Jeff, were on their third date, at LeBistro, on Bannister’s Wharf at Newport Harbor in 1993. The cozy restaurant proved to be a pleasant surprise. Tucked away on the second and third floor in a building at the

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