5-year proposal to lower Providence’s commercial property tax lauded

THE GREATER PROVIDENCE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE says it supports the recommendation by the city's Special Commission for Taxation and Revenue to lower the commercial property tax rate incrementally over five years despite there being no clear indication of the effect it might have on residential property taxes. / PBN FILE PHOTO/CHRIS BERGENHEIM
THE GREATER PROVIDENCE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE says it supports the recommendation by the city's Special Commission for Taxation and Revenue to lower the commercial property tax rate incrementally over five years despite there being no clear indication of the effect it might have on residential property taxes. / PBN FILE PHOTO/CHRIS BERGENHEIM

A special commission’s recommendations that the city of Providence revamp its tax structure and lower its “punishing” commercial property tax rate over five years is winning support from the local business community, but it remains to be seen what effect such a cut would have on the tax bills paid by residential property owners. The

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