FALL RIVER – Students at Durfee High School recently received a $15,000 grant from Amazon.com Inc., for education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, and robotics.
Representatives from Amazon’s Fall River fulfillment center surprised students with a check. Representatives from Amazon’s Robotics headquarters in Boston were also on hand to lead students through an interactive robotics master class, according to a news release.
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The check presentation, said Amazon, is part of the company’s commitment to giving back to the Fall River community by inspiring the next generation of innovators.
“We are excited … the new high school broke ground recently and [we] are looking forward to partnering with Durfee and the school district on ways to create a truly innovative, inspiring space for robotics and STEM education,” said Rich Hanna, fulfillment center general manager.
A new partnership with the Amazon Robotics facility in Boston, said Hanna, will allow students future opportunities to work side by side with robotics engineers in their everyday environment.
“The grant we received today will be used to purchase additional robotics and STEM equipment that will help us expand our program and meet an increasing demand,” said Principal Matthew Desmarais.
“Amazon launched [its] fulfillment center in Fall River a little over two years ago and in this short period of time [it has] demonstrated a solid commitment to give back to our community,” said Fall River School District Superintendent Matthew Malone.
Susan Shalhoub is a PBN contributing writer.