Companies on desperate search for warehouses

SNAPPED UP: Warehouse space is hard to come by lately, and that was illustrated by this recently completed flex building at the Quonset Business Park in North Kingstown. The space has already been leased by two businesses that will use the building for warehousing and other purposes. / PBN PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM
SNAPPED UP: Warehouse space is hard to come by lately, and that was illustrated by this recently completed flex building at the Quonset Business Park in North Kingstown. The space has already been leased by two businesses that will use the building for warehousing and other purposes. / PBN PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM

Businesses looking for a warehouse in Rhode Island might be searching for a long time because the exploding growth of online retail has spurred demand in places to stock products while supply chain snags are slowing the construction of new warehouses. That’s also the case nationally, too, in which leased warehouse space has outpaced vacancies

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