Court ruling on Providence pensions will have ripple effects

Updated at 12:35 p.m. on Aug. 7

MATTER OF OPINION: Former R.I. Supreme Court Justice R­obert G. Flanders Jr. speculates that the recent high court decision on a pension dispute between the city of Providence and a group of municipal retirees might make bankruptcy more palatable for municipalities. / PBN PHOTO/ MICHAEL SALERNO
MATTER OF OPINION: Former R.I. Supreme Court Justice R­obert G. Flanders Jr. speculates that the recent high court decision on a pension dispute between the city of Providence and a group of municipal retirees might make bankruptcy more palatable for municipalities. / PBN PHOTO/ MICHAEL SALERNO

Rhode Island is no stranger to pension problems. Even after a major state-level overhaul of the Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island led by then-R.I. General Treasurer Gina M. Raimondo, municipalities with their own pension systems have struggled to reverse the sometimes decadeslong gap in unfunded liabilities. And at a time when cutting or freezing

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