Debbie Wood is an entrepreneur unafraid to enter uncharted waters

MAKING WAVES: Debbie A. Wood, president and co-owner of Wood Boat & Motor Inc. in Warwick, decided with her husband, Russell, to take over running the Providence Boat Show, which has been rebranded the Rhode Island Boat Show, after the previous organizers stepped down after three decades at the helm. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
MAKING WAVES: Debbie A. Wood, president and co-owner of Wood Boat & Motor Inc. in Warwick, decided with her husband, Russell, to take over running the Providence Boat Show, which has been rebranded the Rhode Island Boat Show, after the previous organizers stepped down after three decades at the helm. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

The boats sold at Debbie A. Wood’s business, Warwick-based Wood Boat and Motor Inc., only go in one direction at a time. But that is not the case for Wood, who is commonly multitasking, firing on all cylinders and managing multiple businesses stretched across different industries. Because when you are president and co-owner of a

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