Fishing apprenticeship program aimed at getting military veterans back to work

PROGRAM TRAINERS: Fred Mattera, left, program director and trainer for the Commercial Fisheries Center of Rhode Island apprenticeship program for new crew members for the Rhode Island fishing fleet, with Jon Knight, owner of Superior Trawl. Knight is net-repair trainer for the center. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
PROGRAM TRAINERS: Fred Mattera, left, program director and trainer for the Commercial Fisheries Center of Rhode Island apprenticeship program for new crew members for the Rhode Island fishing fleet, with Jon Knight, owner of Superior Trawl. Knight is net-repair trainer for the center. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Veterans often face a host of challenges when returning to civilian life after military service. Among the biggest is entering and adjusting to the civilian workforce, which can differ considerably from military life. Rhode Island and its commercial fishing industry, however, are trying to make the transition easier and believe working at sea could help.

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