Leslie Taito | Chief of Staff, Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island
1. Why did you leave your role as CEO of the manufacturer Hope Global and take a job in the health care sector?
While I will miss leading the talented folks at Hope Global, I was drawn to the mission of Neighborhood and felt it was a good point in my career to make a change. Neighborhood serves the state’s most vulnerable, economically disadvantaged and underserved residents. I am excited to use my skills to advance Neighborhood’s mission of providing high-quality, cost-effective health care.
2. Can you describe your new role at Neighborhood Health Plan?
Neighborhood is always looking to improve our customer experience for our members and provider network while also making it easier for employees to provide exceptional service. As chief of staff, I am working with the executive leadership team – focusing on business strategy, organizational culture, team development and lean process improvement.
3. How will you apply the skills that you learned in the manufacturing industry to the not-for-profit health care sector?
In manufacturing, we were responsible for taking raw materials and adding value to create a high-quality part. In health care, the raw materials are the health care system and Neighborhood adds value for our members by ensuring they know how to use our provider network and can access housing, food and transportation, thus improving their overall health and well-being. I will help streamline Neighborhood’s processes and enhance the member experience in an ever-changing health care landscape.
4. What are some of the goals you have for Neighborhood?
My goals include driving change to become a more agile company and using analytics to ensure data-driven decision-making. As part of the executive team, I am also helping to apply lessons learned through the pandemic to make Neighborhood more resilient, competitive and effective.
5. Attorney General Peter Neronha was critical of the recent rate hikes requested by Rhode Island health insurance companies, including Neighborhood, during the pandemic. How does the company respond?
I have seen firsthand the incredible, high-quality services we provide to meet the health care needs of our members while offering the lowest-priced plans on the market. We applaud the recent approval by the R.I. Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner that ensures health plans remain solvent during difficult times.
Alexa Gagosz is a PBN staff writer. Contact her at Gagosz@PBN.com.