Green features in demand among luxury homebuyers

CLIMATE CONTROL: Mark Horan, owner of Horan Building Co., shows the energy-saving features of a home he is building in Newport, including closed cell foam insulation, which is used on the walls to make the attic space comfortable in winter and summer.
CLIMATE CONTROL: Mark Horan, owner of Horan Building Co., shows the energy-saving features of a home he is building in Newport, including closed cell foam insulation, which is used on the walls to make the attic space comfortable in winter and summer.

Building green has never been so popular. From solar panels on rooftops to water heaters with remote control, many features that were once a rare find in real estate are now on their way to becoming the standard. At least, among luxury homebuyers. “It’s been growing,” said Dave Caldwell, vice president of the Rhode Island

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