Her kid-focused studio is capturing the market

PICTURE ­PERFECT: Brandi Morgan Raupp, right, owner of East Coast Capture LLC, and her crew set up a photo shoot at a preschool in Cranston. From left are photographers Kayla Oliveira and Olivia Lace. 
PICTURE ­PERFECT: Brandi Morgan Raupp, right, owner of East Coast Capture LLC, and her crew set up a photo shoot at a preschool in Cranston. From left are photographers Kayla Oliveira and Olivia Lace. 

Remember school photo day? The cookie-cutter headshots, the weird lighting, each kid’s chin tilted in the exact same direction, all of which led to that universal question: “Why are class photos so … awkward?” Brandi Morgan Raupp remembers, and it helped inspire her to go the opposite direction when she launched her commercial photography business

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