Mass. joins multistate nursing compact, but where does that leave R.I.?

LYNN BLAIS, president of the United Nursing & Allied Professionals, is among the people in the health care sector who have expressed skepticism about the multistate Nursing Licensure Compact, in which both Rhode Island and Massachusetts are members. PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
LYNN BLAIS, president of the United Nursing & Allied Professionals, is among the people in the health care sector who have expressed skepticism about the multistate Nursing Licensure Compact, in which both Rhode Island and Massachusetts are members. PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

While many in Massachusetts are celebrating the state joining the multistate Nursing Licensure Compact as a way to reduce the shortage of nurses, opinions are divided about how the development will affect Rhode Island. Some view the move in Massachusetts as a plus for the Ocean State while others say there’s a risk that the

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