R.I. monthly unemployment stays at 4.6% in December

RHODE ISLAND’S seasonally adjusted unemployment in December was 4.6%, unchanged since August, the R.I. Department of Labor and Training says. / AP FILE PHOTO/LYNNE SLADKY 
RHODE ISLAND’S seasonally adjusted unemployment in December was 4.6%, unchanged since August, the R.I. Department of Labor and Training says. / AP FILE PHOTO/LYNNE SLADKY 

CRANSTON – Rhode Island’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in December was 4.6%, remaining unchanged since August, the R.I. Department of Labor and Training said Thursday.  The U.S. unemployment rate was 4.1% in December, down from 4.2% in November, according to the DLT. The Rhode Island jobless rate was 3.4% in December 2023, while the U.S.

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