Small Business Saturday Shop RI pop-up sees steady growth

SHOP SMALL: Susan Babin, co-chair of the Small Business Saturday Shop RI event, says the goal of the pop-up marketplace was to set up a central location to provide exposure to small businesses owned by people with developmental disabilities, women and other ­minorities. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
SHOP SMALL: Susan Babin, co-chair of the Small Business Saturday Shop RI event, says the goal of the pop-up marketplace was to set up a central location to provide exposure to small businesses owned by people with developmental disabilities, women and other ­minorities. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

When business owner Jason Wood finished transactions with customers during the Small Business Saturday Shop RI event over the past two years, he told each person, “Thank you and enjoy.” That’s standard interaction for most small-business proprietors, but for Wood, it was a step outside his comfort level. Wood, 31, has fragile X syndrome, a

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