Wednesday, September 11, 2024


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Tag: Foreign Trade Zone

SPREAD THE WORD: Avi Nevel, CEO and president of the Rhode Island-Israel Collaborative, thinks many Rhode Island businesses are unaware of the opportunities presented by foreign trade zones. / PBN FILE PHOTO/MIKE SKORSKI

Trade zone designation an untapped opportunity for R.I. companies

Fifteen months after Rhode Island became a statewide foreign trade zone, only one company has taken advantage. While the benefits, which include reduced tariffs...
RHODE ISLAND now has a statewide Foreign Trade Zone designation under a U.S. Department of Commerce-approved alternate site framework. Above, one of the three designated Foreign Trade Zones, ProvPort. / PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

R.I. is a statewide foreign trade zone and Commerce RI is...

PROVIDENCE - Rhode Island’s application to expand its foreign trade zone to encompass the entire state was approved in September, and soon, the R.I....
ICE MELT: The Elizabeth River, out of Hong Kong, offloads 60,000 tons of salt at the Port of Providence. The salt is sourced from the interior of Egypt and is used as ice melt. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

R.I. bids to become a statewide foreign trade zone. Who will...

Rhode Island, which sometimes is at a disadvantage trying to lure or expand business because of its small size, now hopes to use that...
FOREIGN BENEFIT: Rhode Island’s application to expand its foreign trade zone in the state, which includes the Port of Davisville where North Atlantic Distribution imports automobiles, is likely to improve the reach of Ocean State businesses overseas.  / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Foreign trade zone expansion a good sign for R.I.’s economy

In many ways, Rhode Island’s petite geography is a dual-edged sword. On the one hand, it doesn’t take long to get to Newport or Providence...
FOREIGN BENEFIT: Rhode Island’s application to expand its foreign trade zone in the state, which includes the Port of Davisville where North Atlantic Distribution imports automobiles, is likely to improve the reach of Ocean State businesses overseas.  / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Rhode Island could become a single foreign trade zone

PROVIDENCE – The R.I. Commerce Corp. has applied for what effectively will be a statewide designation as a Foreign Trade Zone, under an administrative...
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