Monday, February 10, 2025


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Tag: Island Bound Bookstore

SOLE SURVIVOR: Tracy Hartman is the CEO of Yawgoo Valley, the only ski park still in operation in Rhode Island. The business has remained viable by diversifying its offerings, adding a water park in 1991 and a snow-tubing hill in 1995. / PBN PHOTO/BRIAN MCDONALD

Yes, winter is challenging, but should it prevent R.I. from attracting...

Originally established as a ski park in Exeter in 1965, ­Yawgoo Valley celebrates all that the Ocean State has to offer tourists and locals...
SUMMER RETREAT: Families have been traveling to Block Island as a summer retreat for generations, helping ensure steady business at the island’s 35 hotels and its beaches. Revenue from the state’s hotel tax is a major source of income for the island, generating $2.97 million between fiscal years 2007 and 2017.  / PBN PHOTO/K. CURTIS

Will business on Block Island always be seasonal?

Sven Risom and his wife, Laura, became enamored with the beauty of Block Island long ago. After summering there for many years, they became...
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