Taylor provides sanctuary for neglected, abused farm animals

HEALING HANDS: Wendy Taylor, owner and executive director of the West Place Animal Sanctuary in Tiverton, brushes one of her ponies. The animal sanctuary, which cares for neglected and abused farm animals and rehabilitates waterfowl and game birds, has helped more than 1,000 animals in its nearly 15 years of operation. / PBN PHOTO/KATE WHITNEY LUCEY
HEALING HANDS: Wendy Taylor, owner and executive director of the West Place Animal Sanctuary in Tiverton, brushes one of her ponies. The animal sanctuary, which cares for neglected and abused farm animals and rehabilitates waterfowl and game birds, has helped more than 1,000 animals in its nearly 15 years of operation. / PBN PHOTO/KATE WHITNEY LUCEY

When farm animals suffer severe neglect and abuse, animal rescue organizations often lack the resources to properly care for them. For almost 15 years, Wendy Taylor has worked to fill this gap. Taylor launched her animal protection nonprofit West Place Animal Sanctuary in 2007 – four years after her nine pets died in a house

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