URI, RISD awarded $3.4M federal grant for climate change research

RESEARCHERS from the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island School of Design have been awarded $3.4 million in federal funding for research projects to study climate change and enhance resilience, Rhode Island’s congressional delegation says. / COURTESY UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND
RESEARCHERS from the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island School of Design have been awarded $3.4 million in federal funding for research projects to study climate change and enhance resilience, Rhode Island’s congressional delegation says. / COURTESY UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND

PROVIDENCE – Researchers from the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island School of Design have been awarded $3.4 million in federal funding for collaborative projects to study climate change and enhance resilience, Rhode Island’s congressional delegation have announced.  The awards, from the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, will allow

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