What’s ahead for the next PVDFest?

PVDFest may not have completely reverted to its historically gritty roots when it took place Sept. 6-7, but this year’s signature arts and culture event appeared to rebound from the dismal experience in 2023. And it provided a template that can be built upon, observers say. The event returned to downtown Providence a year after

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  1. Smiley has ruined PVDFest. This year’s happenings were just as bad as last year. Everything closed up early, no parties and this September timing is only in place to placate to Smiley’s beloved East Side neighbors who he hopes to use to rise up politically to try and get back in the State House. Sanchez hit the nail right on the head. PVDFest needs to be returned to the way it was, in June, before Smiley got his hands on it and ruined it for everyone.

  2. I agree that Smiley was the cause of last year’s fiasco. But more important, the changes Smiley implemented indicates he does not really understand in detail or depth how cities operate and what gives them vitality. If I am right on that, then Providence is not being led daily with a knowledgeable mayor.