Laura Litvan
McConnell’s new Obamacare repeal lacks GOP votes to pass
NEW YORK - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s new proposal to simply repeal Obamacare appears to be dead less than 24 hours after he...
Trump faults Democrats, some in GOP over health wreck
NEW YORK - President Donald Trump blamed Democrats in Congress - and a few Republicans - on Tuesday for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s...
GOP leaders brace for CBO estimate on revised health bill
NEW YORK - Senate Republicans anxiously awaiting a key analysis of their revised health bill have more time to wait, and debate on the controversial...
Revised health bill said to have $70B more for exchanges
Updated at 10:23 a.m.
NEW YORK - Senate Republicans’ revised proposal to replace Obamacare would provide an added $70 billion to stabilize insurance exchanges over...
GOP is said to drop insurance executive tax break in health...
NEW YORK - Senate Republicans have dropped plans to provide a tax break for health insurance executives’ pay in a revised health care bill...
Senate delays August recess amid unfinished health care plan
NEW YORK - Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he’s delaying the Senate’s August recess by two weeks after divided lawmakers have been unable to...
Senate health bill fails to pick up support after week of...
NEW YORK - Senate Republican leaders head into a difficult fight this week to win support for their health care legislation after returning from...
McConnell taking a risk with talk of bipartisan health care bill
NEW YORK - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is taking a risk by calling for a bipartisan health care plan if the Republican-only bill...
GOP leaders delay health bill vote until after July 4 recess
NEW YORK - Senate leaders put off a vote on Republicans’ health care bill until after the July 4 recess amid growing opposition from...
GOP leaders issue revised GOP health bill as they press for...
NEW YORK - Senate leaders released a slightly revised version of their health care bill Monday as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tries to win...