Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Home Authors Posts by Susan Shalhoub

Susan Shalhoub

REACHING GOALS: Managing Partner of KPMG’s Providence office, Kristin Fraser, left, confers with Senior Manager Charlene Sweeney. The firm supports staff through a number of programs, allowing them to serve clients to the best of their abilities. / PBN FILE PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY

Inclusionary efforts earn kudos

Audit, tax and advisory firm KPMG LLP makes the workplace more streamlined for its 78 Providence employees in thoughtful, logical ways. These efforts include...
LOOKING GOOD: With discounted membership to a health club and on-site Weight Watchers program, Starkweather & Shepley staff stay in shape while helping clients do the same. / Courtesy StarKweather & Shepley Insurance Brokerage Inc.

Slim and strong an appealing option

When employees at the state’s largest independent insurance agency, Starkweather & Shelpley Insurance Brokerage Inc., wanted to slim down, they brought management on board....
FEEDING A NEED: BankNewport’s employees pitched in to collect more than three-quarters-of-a-ton of food for the Rhode Island Community Food Bank over the winter. / Courtesy BankNewport

Health is wealth at BankNewport

Consideration of employees’ well-being just may be the best investment a company can make. BankNewport’s programs include performance rewards, charitable endeavors and health initiatives....
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