PROVIDENCE – Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island is accepting applications for the 2024 BlueAngel Community Health Grant program, which continues to be focused on funding initiatives supporting access to healthy and affordable housing.
The health insurer is encouraging applications from health and human services organizations that respond to ongoing housing needs in innovative ways.
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The grant program is used by Blue Cross to address the findings of the annual RI Life Index, a partnership of Blue Cross and the Brown University School of Public Health. The index is a data resource on social factors such as access to nutritious food, quality education and human services that have an outsize influence on health and well-being, according to the health insurer.
Now in its fifth year, the index finds the availability of and access to safe and affordable housing a significant concern and challenge for many Rhode Islanders. Blue Cross says investing in access to safe and affordable housing is an important step in the insurer’s strategy to address health equity in Rhode Island.
Blue Cross first began awarding BlueAngel Community Health grants in support of housing interventions in 2020. In the past four years, it has awarded more than $2.1 million to 20 organizations. Grantees represent a variety of services and resources, including housing navigation, legal protections and counsel, advocacy and policy work, new development, housing for special populations, landlord outreach and education, and transitional housing and supportive services.
“Rhode Islanders continue to struggle with access to safe, stable and affordable housing,” said Carolyn Belisle, Blue Cross’ managing director of corporate social responsibility. “Persistent inflation, high interest rates and other economic factors have only exacerbated what has been a deteriorating situation for decades, despite the long-standing efforts of so many dedicated organizations and leaders. At Blue Cross, we’re committed to leveraging our BlueAngel Community Health grants to support community partners as they continue to address the root causes of our housing crisis and develop smart solutions for our state.”
The BlueAngel Community Health Grant program is an annual competitive grant program that allows Blue Cross to further its vision to improve health and well-being by leading access to high-quality, affordable and equitable care in partnership with community-based agencies. The program, started more than two decades ago, has contributed more than $6.2 million to Rhode Island-based nonprofits.
Through the 2024 BlueAngel Community Health Grant program, Blue Cross says it aims to:
Fund organizations and programs that will result in more Rhode Islanders being able to afford safe, healthy and stable housing.
Increase awareness about safe, affordable housing as a shared public concern, underscoring why housing matters and its connection to overall health.
Highlight solutions and amplify effective models to support access to safe and affordable housing by funding proven and replicable local- and state-level initiatives, with an emphasis on collaborations across different sectors.
To apply for a BlueAngel Community Health grant, Rhode Island nonprofits should submit a letter of intent before July 28. Letters will be reviewed by a committee, and selected agencies will be invited to submit a full proposal for funding. For more information on the application process and for FAQs, visit or email