Casting a MALL PALL: Despite uncertain future, Providence Place remains key economic driver

Corrected Oct. 23, 2:24 p.m.

LASTING MARK: ­Providence Place has changed significantly, but the urban mall has continued to play an important role in Providence over the 25 years since it opened with the promise of propelling the city's renaissance. 
LASTING MARK: ­Providence Place has changed significantly, but the urban mall has continued to play an important role in Providence over the 25 years since it opened with the promise of propelling the city's renaissance. 

Decades ago, city and state leaders eagerly jumped on a cross-country flight to secure Seattle-based retailer Nordstrom Inc. as an anchor tenant for Providence Place when it was just a proposed mall on the edge of downtown Providence. The massive retail complex would be crucial to the city’s renaissance, leaders argued, an economic engine that

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