Despite false start, transformation of Jewelry District taking shape

REVITALIZATION: Sharon Steele, president of the Jewelry District Association, with the Wexford Innovation Center in the Jewelry District of Providence behind her. Steele says revitalization efforts in the district have gained traction under Gov. Gina M. Raimondo and have been good for the neighborhood. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

On a recent gray, autumn afternoon, early rush-hour traffic was backing up along Point Street in the old Jewelry District in downtown Providence. Most of the traffic wasn’t coming from within the district. It was just passing through. Hardly anyone was on the streets, except for an occasional worker or student making their way through

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  1. Sharon Steele has continually show a lack of big vision, an inability to show any kind of flexibility in her rigid kind of thinking all masked with a know-it-all style. This is not a good foundation for creativity thinking and open-mindedness. The Jewelry district will prosper but not because of Steele who as a realtor is blinded by self interest.