PROVIDENCE – Eat Drink RI LLC announced it has launched a Kickstarter fundraising campaign to back a new project, the West Park Food Hall at 235 West Park St. in the Smith Hill neighborhood of Providence.
The project promises multiple small restaurants in a community seating environment, a bar and a rooftop deck. The press release accompanying the Kickstarter launch notes that the first floor of the project will be occupied by a brewery, a coffee roastery and other food and beverage production facilities.
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The Kickstarter goal, which must be hit in order for backers to be charged, is $119,000. The money will be used to refine the pro-forma financials, the architectural design, site improvements, branding and logo design, and legal requirements. Eat Drink RI announced that it is working with Union Studio for design and architecture plans.
The campaign also includes stretch goals such as building a food truck park, developing a commercial kitchen, and research and development for a co-packaging facility on site.
The campaign will run until Nov. 15 at noon.
In Eat Drink RI’s press release, the company said that it is still engaged in working on the Eat Drink RI Central Market project at 25 India St. in Providence, but that it has found “more rapid progress with this privately owned building for the Food Hall.”
The Kickstarter pledge bonuses include perks and services from local chefs and businesses.
Chris Bergenheim is the PBN web editor.