McKee’s budget proposal not ‘sweeping’ but seen as helping business

WITH POTENTIAL BUDGET DEFICITS looming in the coming years, business leaders say they understand why Gov. Daniel J. McKee's $13.7 billion budget proposal doesn't contain grand plans to provide relief for businesses in the state but instead chips away at certain areas. / PBN PHOTO/CASSIUS SHUMAN
WITH POTENTIAL BUDGET DEFICITS looming in the coming years, business leaders say they understand why Gov. Daniel J. McKee's $13.7 billion budget proposal doesn't contain grand plans to provide relief for businesses in the state but instead chips away at certain areas. / PBN PHOTO/CASSIUS SHUMAN

As the General Assembly prepares to consider Gov. Daniel J. McKee’s proposed fiscal 2025 budget, observers say his proposals to help small businesses may not add up to big amounts of financial relief but something is better than nothing now that one-time COVID-19 pandemic funding has dried up. Among his measures aimed at small businesses,

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