R.I. schools undergoing $1.3B worth of changes

FIRST CLASS: A rendering of what the $170 million Middletown middle school and high school complex is expected to look like when completed in 2027. The building will be constructed at the site of the existing middle school on Aquidneck Avenue. 
FIRST CLASS: A rendering of what the $170 million Middletown middle school and high school complex is expected to look like when completed in 2027. The building will be constructed at the site of the existing middle school on Aquidneck Avenue. 

When it comes to public schools, they don’t build them like they used to. In a move away from the traditional New England schoolhouse system with small neighborhood schools sprinkled through town, economic realities and a change in educational practice have energized the shift to sustainability, efficiency, the incorporation of technology, outdoor learning spaces, skylights,

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