New home for niche insurer The Egis Group

ROOM TO GROW: The Egis Group recently relocated from Providence to its own building in Warwick, and is expanding. From left, Corey Finkelman, director of marketing; Alex Finkelman, vice president; and Roy Finkelman, president.
ROOM TO GROW: The Egis Group recently relocated from Providence to its own building in Warwick, and is expanding. From left, Corey Finkelman, director of marketing; Alex Finkelman, vice president; and Roy Finkelman, president.

A decade of growth inspired a bold move this year for Finkelman Insurance Inc. The family-owned insurance agency, doing business as The Egis Group, decamped from Providence after 44 years, spurred by a need for more space for its growing staff and clientele. The new home is in Warwick, in a highly visible building purchased

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