Panel: Collaboration needed across the board to resolve health inequities in R.I.

WORKING TOGETHER: Panelist Dr. Claire Levesque of Point32Health Services Inc., third from left, speaks during the PBN Spring 2023 Health Care Summit and Health Care Heroes Awards on April 6 at the Providence Marriott Downtown. Also on the panel, from left, are Eric Swain of United HealthCare of New England Inc.; Kirsten Hokeness of Bryant University; Peter Marino of Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island; Dr. Methodius Tuuli of Women & Infants Hospital; and Martha Wofford of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island. 
WORKING TOGETHER: Panelist Dr. Claire Levesque of Point32Health Services Inc., third from left, speaks during the PBN Spring 2023 Health Care Summit and Health Care Heroes Awards on April 6 at the Providence Marriott Downtown. Also on the panel, from left, are Eric Swain of United HealthCare of New England Inc.; Kirsten Hokeness of Bryant University; Peter Marino of Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island; Dr. Methodius Tuuli of Women & Infants Hospital; and Martha Wofford of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island. 

Inequities within the health care system are not only proving to be persistent, but they are getting worse. Panelists at the Providence Business News Spring 2023 Health Care Summit and Health Care Heroes Awards on April 6 at the Providence Marriott Downtown discussed some of the causes of these inequities and the effects they have

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