Projects along E.P. coast proceed, except for one

AT A STANDSTILL: This 24-acre parcel known as the Chevron-Gulf Oil property in East Providence between the East Bay Bike Path and the Providence River was cleared years ago and a mixed-used project was proposed, but very little has happened on the land. 
AT A STANDSTILL: This 24-acre parcel known as the Chevron-Gulf Oil property in East Providence between the East Bay Bike Path and the Providence River was cleared years ago and a mixed-used project was proposed, but very little has happened on the land. 

On East Providence’s industrial waterfront – a stretch of parcels that for decades sat derelict – the ongoing construction of East Point, a 392-unit residential development north of Interstate 195, is a welcome sight for city officials who have long sought to reclaim the coastline. Then, there’s the completed, 48-acre Kettle Point development, which includes

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