Providence launches $500K grant program for arts and culture events

THE CITY OF PROVIDENCE on Wednesday announced a new, $500,000 grant program to help arts and culture nonprofits pay for special events. /PBN FILE PHOTO/CHRIS BERGENHEIM

PROVIDENCE – The city on Wednesday announced a new grant program aimed at helping nonprofits pay for public art and culture events.

Grants of up to $50,000 are available on a first-come, first-serve basis for eligible nonprofit to help reimburse them for the costs associated with putting on arts and culture events in the city. The $500,000 program is funded using a portion of the city’s American Rescue Plan Act dollars.

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Eligible applicants must be registered, 501(c) arts-and-culture organizations with city addresses that organize special public programs such as outdoor restaurant events, festivals or crafts and food markets and can provide demonstrated financial losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More information and online applications are available at

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Nancy Lavin is a PBN staff writer. You may reach her at

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