R.I. liquor stores, wineries feeling cheerier after lawmakers ease restrictions

RHODE ISLAND wineries are expected to benefit from legislation passed by the General Assembly that will allow those businesses to sell wine on site, even if the grapes or other fruits were not grown out of state. James Davids, co-owner and vintner at Anchor & Hope Wine in East Providence, was among those who lobbied for the change. / 
RHODE ISLAND wineries are expected to benefit from legislation passed by the General Assembly that will allow those businesses to sell wine on site, even if the grapes or other fruits were not grown out of state. James Davids, co-owner and vintner at Anchor & Hope Wine in East Providence, was among those who lobbied for the change. / 

After years of fretting that Rhode Island laws put them at a disadvantage, liquor stores and wineries have a reason to raise a glass to the General Assembly. Legislation passed by both chambers that would give an extra day of free samples and loosen restrictions on wineries’ on-site sales are poised to make a difference

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