RIDOH reports scam involving restaurant inspections and credit card information

PROVIDENCE – Two restaurants in Rhode Island have been the target of a phone scam involving phony health inspections. According to the Rhode Island Department of Health, a man who identified himself as the Director of Health telephoned the restaurants and attempted to extort payment by credit card for an upcoming inspection. The caller requested credit card information from each of the food establishment owners, threatening a $500 fine.

In a media release, the Rhode Island Department of Health stated that food establishment owners would never receive phone calls from RIDOH requesting credit card information to pay for inspections. Food establishment owners are charged annual licensing fees, but these fees are collected by mail.

Spokesperson for RIDOH Joseph Wendelken stated the restaurants targeted both specialized in Asian cuisine. Location and other information was not available. RIDOH is coordinating with the Rhode Island State Police. The department stated any food establishment employee who receives a call requesting credit card information for an inspection should not provide it and should notify RIDOH immediately at (401)222-2749.

Bruce Newbury is a PBN contributing writer.

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