She’s answering call for many more nannies

A STRONG ­RESTART: ­Tiesha ­Sinouthasy had to close her nanny placement agency two months after she launched it because of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, but when she reopened it several months later, people were desperate for her service.
A STRONG ­RESTART: ­Tiesha ­Sinouthasy had to close her nanny placement agency two months after she launched it because of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, but when she reopened it several months later, people were desperate for her service.

If dealing with COVID-19 wasn’t stressful enough for parents of young kids, finding reliable child care during the pandemic was enough to give them full-blown agita. Consider the experience of Tiesha Sinouthasy, founder of Peace of Mind Nannies, who had a view from the ­frontlines. Sinouthasy launched her East Providence-based nanny and babysitting business in

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