Saturday, October 12, 2024


Home Tags 1199 SEIU New England

Tag: 1199 SEIU New England

McKee vetoes 5 bills in final days of legislative session

PROVIDENCE – Gov. Daniel J. McKee vetoed five bills that had been passed by the General Assembly, including legislation that would have banned so-called...

Union membership on the rise in R.I.

PROVIDENCE – Union membership rates in Rhode Island increased year over year in 2022, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, reversing course...

Approved school bus company contract increases hours, wages for union workers

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island school bus drivers, monitors and aides are guaranteed an extra 7.5 hours of weekly work and a 19% pay bump...

Agreement reached with BVCHC unionized caregivers, strike averted

PROVIDENCE – Unionized workers at Blackstone Valley Community Health Care called off a three-day strike they planned to start on Wednesday after reaching a...

Unions back Care New England independence; others await more details

PROVIDENCE – Care New England Health System on July 6 announced that it would operate independently and turn down all offers to merge with...
ABOUT 150 NURSING HOME workers picket outside of Pawtucket Genesis Nursing home on Oct. 17, calling for a $15-per-hour starting wage. / COURTESY DISTRICT 1199 SEIU NEW ENGLAND

Workers picket Pawtucket Genesis Nursing Home, call for higher wage

PAWTUCKET – About 198 nursing home caregivers picketed in front of Pawtucket Genesis Nursing Home, Hopkins Manor Nursing Home in North Providence and Charlesgate...
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