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Tag: Agawam Hunt

COURTING MEMBERS: Lance Pryor, left, owner and member of Agawam Hunt’s management team, and Joshua Helm, assistant general manager and controller, are pictured at the club’s indoor tennis courts. Pryor said golf “as the sole value proposition” is a challenging one right now.

For many R.I. golf clubs, fairways and greens aren’t enough to...

At Agawam Hunt, membership is up to 400 after the East Providence golf club nearly went under last year. About 220 have joined The...

Preservation conference to focus on sports, recreation

EAST PROVIDENCE – Registration closes on March 22 for the 34th Annual Rhode Island Statewide Historic Preservation Conference, which will be held at sites...
CLUB PRESERVED: The Agawam Hunt country club in East Providence emerged from bankruptcy in March under a reorganization that sold the club assets to a new ownership group and which included the sale of a conservation easement to The Nature Conservancy.

Home sales cool; golf clubs on the move

The residential real estate market started to cool in 2018, returning to an equilibrium between buyers and sellers, after two solid years of appreciation...

Most-read stories on, August 2018

1. PBN announces 2018 Fastest Growing & Innovative Companies. POSTED ONLINE: AUG. 24. Twenty local companies have earned a spot on Providence Business News’...
UNIQUE PARTNERSHIP: Agawam Hunt country club in East Providence, pictured, was able to exit Chapter 11 bankruptcy in large measure thanks to a conservation easement purchased by The Nature Conservancy, with the funding provided by $2 million in donations.

PBN on WJAR-TV, Aug. 13, 2018

Every week, PBN Editor Mark S. Murphy appears on WJAR-TV NBC 10’s Coffee Break to discuss the newspaper’s most recent cover story and other...
UNIQUE PARTNERSHIP: Agawam Hunt country club in East Providence, pictured, was able to exit Chapter 11 bankruptcy in large measure thanks to a conservation easement purchased by The Nature Conservancy, with the funding provided by $2 million in donations.

Is Agawam Hunt’s innovative partnership with The Nature Conservancy to conserve...

Celebrating birdies took on a more expansive meaning this past spring at Agawam Hunt, thanks to an unusual partnership with The Nature ­Conservancy. After emerging...
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