Thursday, September 12, 2024


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Tag: Computer Science For Rhode Island

FLEXIBLE: Patricia Steere, owner of Steere Engineering Inc., allows employees with young children to adjust their hours because of an increase in remote learning. Steele, herself, had the experience of balancing work with family needs. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

R.I.’s ‘she-cession’: Pandemic knocks many women out of workforce, and some...

After a three-month maternity leave, Jill Boni was eager to return to her job as director of Bright Start ­Academy, a Smithfield preschool. That never...
THE R.I. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION has received a $2.5 million federal grant to expand computer science opportunities for over 1,000 students in Rhode Island.

RIDE gets $2.5M in federal funds to expand computer science opportunities

PROVIDENCE – The R.I. Department of Education was awarded a $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to expand work-based learning opportunities...
NEW SKILLS: Bernadette Durkin is using the skills she learned during the October 2016 Rhode Island College and General Assembly computer science boot camp to help her fifth-grade class at Cumberland Hill School in Cumberland learn to code. From left, Luke Plumer, 11, foreground; Leah Mandeville, 11; Durkin; and Adriana Panagoulopoulos, 10. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

CS4RI, GA host boot camp to help teachers learn to code

“Minimal” was how Bernadette Durkin described her computer-coding knowledge prior to a professional-development continuing studies course she took at Rhode Island College in ­October. “I’m...
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