Saturday, January 18, 2025


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Tag: Salary

IN THE OPEN: Hiring signs displayed at a grocery store in Arlington Heights, Ill., tout the pay rate. Employers are increasingly posting salary ranges for job openings, even in states where it’s not mandated by law. 

Pay transparency grows; job-seekers reap benefits

U.S. employers are increasingly posting salary ranges for job openings, even in states where it’s not required by law, according to analysts with several...

Report: 6-figure salary needed to afford home in Providence and Warwick

PROVIDENCE – A six-figure salary is needed to afford a home in the city and Warwick, according to a study by The mortgage resource...
URI PRESIDENT David Dooley earned $426,333 in compensation from the university during 2018. Does his salary fit expectations and performance for his office? / PBN FILE PHOTO/ MICHAEL SALERNO

Is URI President David M. Dooley’s salary too large, too small...

In a field that more and more pays its chief executives for fund-raising and politics as well as more traditional administrative duties, public-university presidents...

Raise up?

Have current or prospective employees spoken with you about seeking a higher salary? Yes: 76.9% No: 23.1% Where have you encountered the most times when you were...

Moving out?

Would you relocate for a new job? No: 80% Yes: 20% Have any of your employees needed to relocate in order to work for your company? No: 60% Yes:...
ASTRONOVA PRESIDENT AND CEO Gregory A. Woods earned $1.7 million in fiscal 2019./ PBN FILE PHOTO/ MICHAEL SALERNO

AstroNova’s Woods earns $1.7M in fiscal 2019

WEST WARWICK – AstroNova Inc. President and CEO Gregory A. Woods was paid $1.7 million by the test and measurement, and product identification manufacturer...

Going the distance

How many of your staff use public transportation to get to work? Less than 10 percent 90% Between 10-50 percent 10% More than half 0% What is your...
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