Will Elorza veto cost city in GA?

PROVIDENCE MAYOR Jorge O. Elorza has vetoed the rezoning that would authorize the Hope Point Tower. / COURTESY THE FANE ORGANIZATION
PROVIDENCE MAYOR Jorge O. Elorza has vetoed the rezoning that would authorize the Hope Point Tower. / COURTESY THE FANE ORGANIZATION

The dramatic city review of the Hope Point Tower development – capped Nov. 30 with a last-minute veto by Mayor Jorge O. Elorza – could end poorly for the city regardless of what happens with the zoning request. Senate President Dominick J. Ruggerio, who wants the project, is working on legislation that would remove the

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  1. What has not been discussed here is why is the zoning on this land limited to 100 ft. That height is equivalent to a ten story building and what knowledge does those in charge have that developers and the providers of risk capital can make money on either an office building or a residential tower limited to that height???