A higher health care intelligence? In R.I., some believe it’s the sector where AI can make biggest difference

Dr. Fatima Mirza works in an examination room at Rhode Island Hospital. Mirza and her husband, Dr. Rohaid Ali, worked on two significant projects recently involving artificial intelligence, one of which used OpenAI’s Voice Engine to create a clone of the voice of a young patient who lost her voice after surgery to remove a brain tumor. 
Dr. Fatima Mirza works in an examination room at Rhode Island Hospital. Mirza and her husband, Dr. Rohaid Ali, worked on two significant projects recently involving artificial intelligence, one of which used OpenAI’s Voice Engine to create a clone of the voice of a young patient who lost her voice after surgery to remove a brain tumor. 

Like many these days, Severence MacLaughlin foresees a big, bright future for artificial intelligence. Unlike many, the Rhode Island-based data scientist was willing to quit his job, sell his house and cash in his investments so he could raise money and focus on launching a new AI company in 2019, a high-stakes bet that he

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