Webemily Greenhalgh
An ecosystem that has made ‘amazing turnaround’
Mike Rowan, the vice president of research and development service at Boulder, Colo.-based email delivery service SendGrid, is also the head of the Providence-based...
Pivot or perish in changing markets
The pressure is always on for businesses to adapt to become successful, but in the technology industry, where innovation thrives, companies must work extra...
Five Questions With: Carol M. Giuriceo
Carol M. Giuriceo is the new director of the Rhode Island STEM Center at Rhode Island College.
Upon announcing her as the new director,...
Five Questions With: Renee Hobbs
Renee Hobbs is a professor and founding director of the Harrington School of Communication and Media at the University of Rhode Island.
Considered one...
July Geek Dinner to feature ShutterCal
PROVIDENCE – For its last meetup of the summer, Providence Geeks is hosting ShutterCal, an alumnus of the Betaspring startup accelerator.
Geek Dinner organizer...
Five Questions With: David Porter
David Porter is the director of Media & Technology Services at the University of Rhode Island. In this role, he is responsible for the...
Five Questions With: Kathleen Malin
Kathleen Malin is vice president for technology and operations management at Rhode Island Foundation. She is responsible for all aspects of technology at the...
Tax Foundation: R.I. wireless <br> taxes are 6th highest in U.S.
WASHINGTON – Rhode Island has the sixth highest taxes and fees for wireless service, according to the Tax Foundation, which released a map on...
The gaining popularity of solar power in R.I.
As the threat of climate change continues to garner attention on the regional, national and international levels, and energy costs continue to rise, municipalities,...
Five Questions With: Darlene Folan
Darlene Folan is the vice president for quality at the Rhode Island Blood Center. She began her Blood Center career in 1983 as a...