Sunday, February 9, 2025


PBN 35th Anniversary

Iftikhar Ahmad

Iftikhar Ahmad

Iftikhar Ahmad’s tenure as chief of the R.I. Airport Corp. has had its share of turbulence, but he’s managed to maintain his bearings through...
Kristen Adamo

Kristen Adamo

TO SAY THAT Kristen Adamo’s first full year as the CEO and president of the Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau has been a...
Dr. Timothy 
J. Babineau

Dr. Timothy J. Babineau

How to sum up Dr. Timothy J. Babineau’s approach to leadership at Lifespan Corp.? If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again would...
Brian Britson

Brian Britson

Brian Britson not only took over the lead position at Amgen Rhode Island in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in August 2020, but...
Arnold B. Chace Jr.

Arnold B. “Buff” Chace Jr.

Arnold B. “Buff” Chace Jr. continues to put his stamp on Providence’s downtown. The property development company Cornish Associates LP – where Chace is managing...
Robert A. DiMuccio

Robert A. DiMuccio

Rhode Island-born and bred, Robert A. DiMuccio has never forgotten his roots or the people who’ve helped him achieve so much business success. His commitment...
Christian Cowan

Christian Cowan

Rhode Island’s manufacturing sector has undergone somewhat of a rebirth in recent years, and Christian Cowan has been one of the people leading the...
Dr. Anne S. De Groot

Dr. Anne S. De Groot

SEEING BEYOND THE HORIZON has been a hallmark of EpiVax Inc. founder, CEO and Chief Science Officer Dr. Anne S. De Groot since she...
Marc A. Crisafulli

Marc A Crisafulli

When two of Rhode Island’s largest public companies resolved their long-running dispute over a 20-year lottery contract early this year, there was one name...
Barnaby Evans

Barnaby Evans

In a typical year, WaterFire Providence attracts between 60,000 and 100,000 for each river lighting in the capital city. Visitors fill local restaurants and...
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