Creating a ‘pocket’ in the housing market

RUNNING THE TABLE: East Greenwich Cove Builders recently won the 2019 “Best in American Living” community of the year award from the National Association of Home Builders for their “pocket neighborhood” called Castle Street Cottages. From left, Chris Santilli, managing partner, and Jerry Zarrella Jr., president. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
RUNNING THE TABLE: East Greenwich Cove Builders recently won the 2019 “Best in American Living” community of the year award from the National Association of Home Builders for their “pocket neighborhood” called Castle Street Cottages. From left, Chris Santilli, managing partner, and Jerry Zarrella Jr., president. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

For many buyers, the American dream is no longer a single-family house with a yard. Instead, they want to own a smaller but well-designed home in a shared community. East Greenwich Cove Builders LLC, a small builder in Rhode Island, has staked its business model on creating that kind of community across the Ocean State.

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