Five Questions With: Doris Blanchard

The Connect & Grow Together Supplier Diversity Event is Thursday, Oct. 3, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. It’s hosted by SupplyRI, a public-private initiative funded by the R.I. Commerce Corp., the Heron Foundation and the Rhode Island Foundation.

SupplyRI is aimed at linking suppliers with in-state opportunity. Registration to the diversity event can be made here.

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Doris Blanchard, assistant director of SupplyRI, spoke with Providence Business News about the upcoming event.


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PBN: What are some of the benefits for those who sign up for the SupplyRI database?

BLANCHARD: It is a great way for our state’s small businesses – suppliers – to connect with Rhode Island’s largest employers – our “anchors.” Registered suppliers can respond to anchor-procurement requests and follow up on other requests from Rhode Island businesses. They gain access to the SupplyRI online database to upload key industry-specific information, which enables easy connections to SupplyRI anchors. And there’s access to training resources, technical assistance training and invite-only procurement events.

Our anchor institutions are: Amica Insurance, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, Brown University, Care New England, Citizens Bank, CVS Health, Delta Dental, General Dynamics Electric Boat, Gilbane, Infosys, Lifespan, Rhode Island School of Design, Roger Williams University and Shawmut Design and Construction.

PBN: Are there advantages to being an anchor company in your network?

BLANCHARD: SupplyRI makes it easy for anchors to discover – or rediscover – our state’s many great small businesses. The easy-to-navigate online database helps foster connections to prescreened, local and diverse suppliers in multiple purchasing categories. They benefit from a concierge-like service that assists with supplier outreach and matchmaking needs, helping to eliminate the guesswork from the process. There are also networking and matchmaking opportunities as well.

PBN: The Greet & Pitch session seems to be a big part of the Oct. 3 event. Can you tell us about that?

BLANCHARD: The Greet & Pitch session is one of the highlights of our upcoming Connect & Grow Together Supplier Diversity Event. The impetus was feedback from our anchors, who wanted an event focused on our diverse small businesses.

The session is an opportunity for suppliers to pitch their businesses to an anchor in just 90 seconds. We even have a pitch-training session earlier in the day, to make it even more of a fun and exciting way to speed-network through the event. Participating anchors include CVS Health, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island and Amica Insurance. Advanced registration is required for this session.

PBN: Are there specific industries that we are finding need a broader, diverse supply base in Rhode Island as opposed to others?

BLANCHARD: There is a need for broader, more diverse supply in all industries, but particularly manufacturing and the construction trade. We know this is a focus of our anchor institutions and this also overlaps with areas of strength for our state’s small businesses.

PBN: Can you give us a brief recap of one of your success stories?

BLANCHARD: Pawtucket-based Central Paper and RISD connected at a Supply Rhode Island event in June. After a series of meetings, Central Paper is now working with RISD on their paper supply and printing needs. In this case, the local supplier, Central Paper, was a more convenient option, saving time and money and providing better customer service.

Susan Shalhoub is a PBN contributing writer.