For her, design is only part of the blueprint for success

PLAN ­REVIEW: ­Barbara Thornton, left, a partner at Brewster Thornton Group Architects, and Aarti Kathuria, one of the firm’s project managers, go over plans for the Peace Dale Library project.
PLAN ­REVIEW: ­Barbara Thornton, left, a partner at Brewster Thornton Group Architects, and Aarti Kathuria, one of the firm’s project managers, go over plans for the Peace Dale Library project.

There’s no obvious career path for an eighth grade math geek and ballroom dancing champ. Then again, consider the one taken by Barbara Thornton of Brewster Thornton Group Architects LLP. Thornton grew up in east Tennessee, the daughter of parents from the southeastern coal-mining corner of Kentucky. Her father, an electrical engineer, was the first

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