Franchisee: Richard Cromwell

INCREASING NUMBERS: Richard Cromwell now has more than 400 members and a fleet of 70 boats throughout the four Freedom Boat Club franchises he owns in Rhode Island. He is pictured at the Newport club. / PBN PHOTO/KATE WHITNEY LUCEY
INCREASING NUMBERS: Richard Cromwell now has more than 400 members and a fleet of 70 boats throughout the four Freedom Boat Club franchises he owns in Rhode Island. He is pictured at the Newport club. / PBN PHOTO/KATE WHITNEY LUCEY

Richard Cromwell | Freedom Boat Club | Barrington, Newport, Portsmouth and Warwick The pitch: Freedom Boat Club is a members-only boat club in the United States, Europe and Canada. It is considered the largest marine franchiser in America and allows its members to travel to franchised clubs in other locales. The company was founded in

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