Gu to lead Senate Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies

PROVIDENCE – Sen. Victoria Gu, D-Westerly, has been appointed by Senate President Dominick J. Ruggerio to lead the seven-member Senate Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies.

Gu holds a degree in computer science from Harvard University and spent seven years as a software engineer and data analyst. In a statement, she said she is “humbled and honored” to lead the committee.

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“The rapid expansion of AI and other technologies across society has left lawmakers across the nation scrambling to design the legal and regulatory frameworks necessary to allow our residents to benefit from these powerful new tools while protecting them from their potential dangers,” she said.

The committee will study emerging technologies in artificial intelligence with a focus on “their societal, ethical and policy implications,” according to a news release from the legislative press bureau.

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First elected in 2023, Gu is one of the first Asian Americans to serve in the General Assembly in the state’s history.

“The last few weeks have also underscored the importance of keeping pace with rapid technological changes and cybersecurity risks that impact Rhode Islanders,” Gu said. “The timely creation of this committee shows that Rhode Island legislators understand the importance of this moment. I look forward to the important work that awaits us.”

Christopher Allen is a PBN staff writer. You may contact him at