Health Equity Zones encourage community buy-in

(Updated to clarify 16th paragraph at 11:28 a.m.)

EXPANDING: Neyda DeJesus is co-coordinator of the Newport Health Equity Zone. The state is looking to expand the HEZ initiative with $1.4 million from the state and federal government to start new collaborations this ­summer.
EXPANDING: Neyda DeJesus is co-coordinator of the Newport Health Equity Zone. The state is looking to expand the HEZ initiative with $1.4 million from the state and federal government to start new collaborations this ­summer.

Studies have increasingly found that social determinants, such as where you live and who you socialize with, have a lot to do with how healthy you are likely to be. It’s research that is starting to disrupt the health care field, with health-policy organizations as large as the World Health Organization and as small as

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