Independent San Miguel School hires new development director, adds 3 board members

PROVIDENCE – The San Miguel School has appointed a new director of development, a key position for the independent school that receives little government funding, which means money for the operating budget is raised through student sponsorships, grants, events and donations.

The school also added three new board members.

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Mel Bride takes over as San Miguel’s director of development after working five years at Tabor Academy in Marion, Mass., where she taught Spanish and served as dean of students and dean of community life.

Previously, Bride had worked at the Gordon School in East Providence, where she taught Spanish, worked in the admissions office and a service learning program that matches eighth graders with placements with social-service agencies.

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Bride also spent three years as the director of advancement at Save The Bay.

“We are thrilled to have a person of Mel’s caliber joining our community. She’ll be a great asset in helping our boys reach their fullest potential.” said John Wolf, executive director of the boys middle school located on Branch Avenue in Providence.

The three new board members are Scott Stevenson, of Providence, a retired corporate attorney; Christopher Patton, of Barrington, an entrepreneur; and Jessica Blanco-Busam, middle school principal at the Highlander Charter School in Providence.