Industrious Spirit, Frog & Toad gift shop team up to produce hand sanitizer

PROVIDENCE – The Industrious Spirit Co. LLC, a manufacturer of gin, bourbon and vodka, has been producing hand sanitizer in its distillery to help in the COVID-19 crisis.

As the Providence Business News reported, the distillery has been collaborating with other local companies to produce the germ-killing solution.

The company’s latest collaboration is with Providence gift shop Frog & Toad, according to an Industrious Spirit news release. Together, the businesses produced a limited number of bottles of hand sanitizer, called Knock it Off. One hundred percent of product proceeds went to the Rhode Island COVID-19 Response Fund as established by the United Way of Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Foundation.

“We are thrilled that we’re able to continue this project and have had the opportunity to expand our reach through the many great partnerships that have been created during these unusual times,” said Manya Rubinstein, CEO of The Industrious Spirit Co.

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Two sizes of the Knock it Off sanitizer were made, and the product was sold out with $1,000 raised, according to Industrious Spirit spokesperson Melissa Czerwein. With distillery key ingredients also used in making hand sanitizer, the company began making the sanitizer using a World Health Organization-approved recipe.

The distillery has been distributing small bottles of the sanitizer for free, at a takeout window at its distillery in Providence.

Susan Shalhoub is a PBN contributing writer.