Jayne Merner Senecal | Earth Care Farm owner and manager
We have all heard the generalizations: Millennials are entitled, unreliable, irresponsible and unrealistic. This has not been my experience.
I love working with millennials through my companies, Earth Care Farm and Golden Root Gardening. I have found this cohort to be passionate, hardworking, adaptable and efficient. Here are my hints for smoothing out the age gap:
Create meaning: Some of the tasks we have at our farm, such as hours of weeding, washing equipment and cleaning the barn, seem menial. Communicate to your younger workers how this grunt work fits in the big picture. I find it helpful to remind the workers to look up and see how much they have accomplished. It’s gratifying to look back and see a row that is now tidy after weeding.
Be authentic: Communication and follow-through about company values, ethics and respect for the environment are important. If you are inconsistent about these things, your millennial worker will disengage.
Honor self care: Our jobs are physically demanding. Remind workers to stretch, take water breaks and think ergonomically while lifting. We chat about stress, diet, sleep and meditation. There is a general sense of care, and this is magnetic to this age group.
I predict that this millennial cohort will help guide businesses to be more ethical, with more equality and a mind for the environment. This group is used to rapidly adapting to technology changes, and it is receptive to new ideas. Love your millennials.